Thursday, August 28, 2008

Cousins, Mud, and the Zoo

Mark and Kim were in town this weekend. Their girls, Ella and Lucia, have changed so much and we had a great time watching all these Humphrey cousins play. Grace Noelle happy as usual.

Lucia Ruth walking and running all over the place. Ella June was so sweet and fun to listen to.
Grace loved having someone her size to show around.
The kids had a great time playing in our backyard Saturday morning.
Lucia and John playing peek-a-boo.

Saturday afternoon we took the gang to our friend Kalvari's birthday party in Fredericktown. Lucia and Grace napped all afternoon, John and Ella had other plans:
The picture above shows what looks like two friends sitting at the side of a pond enjoying each other's company. The next pictures show, upon closer inspection, what those two friends were doing so quietly.
I don't know which took more time: showering these two, or cleaning Kalvari's bathroom afterwards.
Grace fell asleep on the steps on the way up to her room later that night.
We all went with Nana and Papa Humphrey to New Life Church in Fredericktown for church Sunday morning. What an cute bunch!
On Monday Dave took a vacation day and we all (except for Papa because it was Fredericktown's first day of school) went to the Columbus Zoo. Also pictured below are the girl's I babysit, Ella and Olivia.
Grace thought Lucia was the best baby doll every and was always eager to help her eat.
John feeding the birds in the aviary.


  1. I'm soooo glad you have a camera again. What great shots of the best grandchildren. Of course I would think so.

  2. Those are great pictures, I haven't had time to update my blog yet...Hope you guys are doing well, we had so much fun with you!

  3. I'm a fan of the mud shots!! that was awesome!!! lol
