Monday, September 29, 2008

The Bobcats lost, but we had the best dressed kids in Athens!

Mom and dad (Mike and Peggy Streby) treated us to the Ohio University/Central Michigan game a couple of weeks ago. Although the Bobcats put forth great effort, they were defeated. We still had a great time. Mom had made these adorable outfits for the kids to wear to the game. Aimee's Uncle Jim and Aunt Jo were also there with John and Grace's cousin Kellan.
Nana Streby and Grace. I see some MacLean in this little girl.
John giving "5" to the O.U. Bobcat.

Thanks mom and dad for such a fun afternoon!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear about the tree and such, but I am glad you survived. So crazy that Ohio would get hit like that--- I LOVE THESE football pictures:) Grace especially looked daring!!! Miss you guys!
