Friday, October 17, 2008

Happy 60th Dad (aka Papa Streby)!

Aimee's dad turned 60 this weekend and Henry and Janine were in town for the party. We hadn't seen Henry in 10 months! It was a great weekend, especially for the kids. Grace cracked up as Uncle Henry read a favorite, The Five Little Monkeys.
It started as an experiment, prompted by the scientists in the family, to see how many balloons it would take to lift a toy car. The conclusion: it takes more balloons than we had.
Uncle Henry, John, "Aunt" Janine, and Grace in what John was refering to as their "meeting room." Mom was told clearly that I was not welcome in these meetings.
Papa blows the best bubbles. Grace is still perfecting this skill.
Papa and Grace work at shelling and eating sunflower seeds. We all agreed this was a lot of work for a tiny little seed. I like the identical looks of frustration on their faces in this picture.
Janine, John and Uncle Henry take a walk in Nana and Papa's back yard.
They're planning an October wedding for next year. I can't believe my little brother is old enough to like girls let alone marry one. We're so happy for him and are exctied to get to know Janine, who the kids already refer to as "Aunt Janine."

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