Friday, November 14, 2008

Super Dave!

This house is in Coshocton, OH. Dave is planning to spend next week helping a friend out with wrapping and siding it for another friend who is flipping the property. This does not sound like my idea of a vacation, but Dave's looking forward to the challenge and the time out of the office. Of course the skills he learns helping friends have come in handy around our house too. Here are some pictures of our living room floor before, during and after Dave refinished the floors two weeks ago.
This orange/brown carpet was here when we bought the house.

We chose to live with it until our kids were walking well.

Taking out the old carpet and pad.

The oringinal wood floor only goes a bit more than half way across the room because the previous owners did an addition to the house at some point. We were aware of this and planned to put carpet over the subfloor half of the room.

After sanding down to a smooth surface.

Dave and a friend/partner in large home improvement projects, Ross, stain and poly the floor.

Look at that shine!!!

This is the adjoining room the guys did two years ago.

The carpet was installed just a few days later. The kids love having thier side of the room for playing with toys and wrestling and rolling on soft new carpet.
I truly appreciate the carpet installer and his patience with our son. The man was here for two hours and was followed closely by a curious 4 year old the entire time. John knew he could not cross the line into the half of the room where the work was being done so he sat right up next to it or paced back and forth along it while asking "why?", "what's that?", "what were you for Halloween?"
Thank you so much Dave for all the hard work and hours you spend making our home better for our family.

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