Thursday, April 16, 2009

A very fishy Easter

We spent the afternoon visiting with Aimee's Aunt Terry and Uncle Willy, their sons and families and got to meet Malena, the newest Streby cousin. Grace was a bit overdressed for the afternoon, but didn't let that stop her from spending time with Papa Streby.

John got his first fishing lesson from Papa.

Dave proudly diplays his catch with the kiddie fishing pole.

Papa got one...

...and Uncle Willy (Aimee's dad's brother)...

...and John! He casted out, slowly reeled it in and caught a monster fish. Not bad for your first few minutes of fishing.

Papa was pretty proud too.

Grace had much more fun inside with the girls. Here she is holding her beautiful cousin Malena Mae Streby (Jacob and Carrie's second).

These are from earlier in the day. Just some shots of good looking kids.

John proudly displays his bow tie (hand-made by Nana Streby) and new shoes (thanks Nana Humphrey).

My mom made Grace this adorable dress and hat. The child spent most of the morning in front of this mirror admiring herself.

These are from a local Easter egg hunt.

John was explaining to Grace how the hunt works. She hangs on his every word. I can only imagine the things she'll learn from her big brother in the future.