Monday, June 30, 2008

A fun weekend of Peter Pan, a parade, and fireworks.

John and mom had a night out on Thursday to see Peter Pan at the Knox County Memorial Theater in Mount Vernon. Thanks for the tickets and the book Nana Humphrey! After reading the book John decided he would like to dress up as the character "John Darling". With one of dad's shirts, a firefighter hat with construction paper added and pipecleaner eyeglasses he proudly walked into the theater.
Here is John as "John" with Tiger Lilly and Nana Nursemaid before the performance. Dave got us front row, left stage seats so we met most of the characters before they entered the stage.
All of the kids who dressed up were asked to go up on stage and wave to the audience before the play. John, at this point thought he was going to be in the play and was a bit disappointed when I told him differently. He forgot about it completely however when the cutain went up and the music began. I was so proud, John sat and watched intently for the entire 2 and a half hours (with an intermission). The only issue we had was with his theater seat. His legs do not weigh enough to hold down the folding seat If he sat all the way back the seat would fold him up. He insisted that he was too big to sit on my lap amd sat on the edge of his seat the entire night.
I love that he is old enough to these kinds of things now! He even introduced himself to the director, a friend of mine from teaching, and the actual "John Darling" character after the play. Everyone was so kind and welcoming-we had a great time!

The kids enjoying our new pool (a birthday present from Nana and Papa Streby).

We were in the USA Day parade here in Centerburg on Saturday. We adverised a soccer program called Goal Keepers that our church, Center Pointe, is sponsoring and running in the next few weeks. Our two kids are actually too young to participate, but they were still cute in the uniforms. The men moved the goal along as the kids kicked soccer balls.
The fireworks Saturday night were, at first, a bit much for Grace.
She eventually warmed up to them and had a great time clapping and ooohhing at all the colors.

Grace and her friend Drew Dumbaugh after all the festivities.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Family Pictures

We recently had a chance to have family pictures done in our own back yard. My mom (aka Nana Streby) hired a good friend of ours, Rayna Strong of Pix Photography, as a birthday gift for Grace. We waited for the nice weather so we could be outside and are thrilled with the results.
It could look like she is saying she's "1" year old, but it's actually her light from her favorite song "This Little Light of Mine."

Rayna got some of the best pictures when Dave and I weren't paying attention.

Are these two related or what?!
This is my favorite because it's what I see them doing everyday right now- playing together in their backyard.
Thanks mom and Rayna! It was a fun, relaxed experience.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Happy 4th Birthday John Gaylon!

It's difficult to believe it was four years ago that this baby came into, and completely changed, our lives. At the same time I can hardly remember a time without him. John is growing into such a thoughtful, fun and curious kid. He reminds me everyday to take time to appreciate simple things. I've learned so much from looking at things through the eyes of a child. Thank you John, mom and dad love you so much.
June 18th-Home with the family for a special birthday dinner. John chose his favorites: chicken pot pie, and chocolate milk.
June 19th-The beginning of a paper-mache pinata project for the upcoming birthday party on Saturday. John was a huge help and was covered in flour and glue in minutes.
Hanging both out to dry.

June 21st-The party was at Sockman Lake in Fredericktown. John wanted cupcakes. You can't tell from the picture, but they are arranged in the shape of a "4".

Grace enjoyed her cake. Thanks Nana Humphrey for your help here.
The finished pinata! It was supposed to look like a beach ball. I think we did a pretty good job.
It stood up to five or six kids before the candy came pouring out. Pictured, not in any particular order, are some friends: Caleb Carter, Austin and Wyatt Strong, Olivia and Ella Paul, and Allison and Courtlyn Fields.
Mom demonstrating how to use the harmonica he received from Great Grandma and Grandpa Jones. What an original gift idea! He loves it, and has mastered sliding up and down the scale.

John loving the stick horse Aunty Danielle and Uncle Aaron brought for him.
Ready to swim! And perhaps loaded up with a bit to much sugar.
Grace loved the beach. I think she looks like the baby on the sun screen bottle here.
Aunty Danielle, thank you so much for coming from Pittsburgh for the party! You were so wonderful to come early to help set up, and take pictures for us during the action. It was great to have you here. We are all looking forward to seeing you and Aaron as parents in October.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

New pets.

John recently purchased himself two goldfish. He named them Orangey and Grungey. Only John could tell them apart. Grungey only lasted five days, but Orangey is still swimming strong.

He insisted on having breakfast with his fish the next morning.
He also tried to pursuade us that he could nap with them too.

Grace's first ice cream cone.

We had the Carter's over last weekend and enjoyed some ice cream to cool off.
Grace signing "more" after the first taste.
Aren't they cute, and very sticky!
The first cone was a huge success!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Fun, fun, fun!

Helping mom surprise dad with a clean truck, and keeping cool at the same time.
Grace thought it looked like a bubble bath.

John and his cousin Kellan (Aimee's cousin Justin and his wife Julie's oldest) hanging out at Brandon's (another of Aimee's cousins) graduation party. As Kellan put it they were having "beers." I think in this picture they look like a couple of college buddies. Stick to the root beer John
Olivia (Ella's 8-year-old sister) is done with school and will be spending her days with us this summer. She's is a great help with Grace.

Just cute kids having fun: