Monday, June 23, 2008

Happy 4th Birthday John Gaylon!

It's difficult to believe it was four years ago that this baby came into, and completely changed, our lives. At the same time I can hardly remember a time without him. John is growing into such a thoughtful, fun and curious kid. He reminds me everyday to take time to appreciate simple things. I've learned so much from looking at things through the eyes of a child. Thank you John, mom and dad love you so much.
June 18th-Home with the family for a special birthday dinner. John chose his favorites: chicken pot pie, and chocolate milk.
June 19th-The beginning of a paper-mache pinata project for the upcoming birthday party on Saturday. John was a huge help and was covered in flour and glue in minutes.
Hanging both out to dry.

June 21st-The party was at Sockman Lake in Fredericktown. John wanted cupcakes. You can't tell from the picture, but they are arranged in the shape of a "4".

Grace enjoyed her cake. Thanks Nana Humphrey for your help here.
The finished pinata! It was supposed to look like a beach ball. I think we did a pretty good job.
It stood up to five or six kids before the candy came pouring out. Pictured, not in any particular order, are some friends: Caleb Carter, Austin and Wyatt Strong, Olivia and Ella Paul, and Allison and Courtlyn Fields.
Mom demonstrating how to use the harmonica he received from Great Grandma and Grandpa Jones. What an original gift idea! He loves it, and has mastered sliding up and down the scale.

John loving the stick horse Aunty Danielle and Uncle Aaron brought for him.
Ready to swim! And perhaps loaded up with a bit to much sugar.
Grace loved the beach. I think she looks like the baby on the sun screen bottle here.
Aunty Danielle, thank you so much for coming from Pittsburgh for the party! You were so wonderful to come early to help set up, and take pictures for us during the action. It was great to have you here. We are all looking forward to seeing you and Aaron as parents in October.


  1. It was lots of fun!! Happy birthday John!!

  2. So glad I was able to be a part of it! Thanks for posting all of those photos! I wish I wasn't quite so zoomed in when you were playing the harmonica with John, I knew that was a good one :) Thank you for hanging out with me after the party, it was-as always-great to spend some time together!
