Thursday, May 8, 2008

"Jesus loves you, this I know..."

I took Grace for her immunizations this week. Her one year shots were just three months overdue. What can I say-second child.
On the way to the office, I explained to John what we were doing and asked his to be a big boy since his sister was going to need my attention. He told me he would help her be brave.
When we entered the examining room, John sat quietly in a chair off to the side while the nurse prepared the three shots. As she picked up the first and poked Grace, John walked calmly over, stood beside Grace, and in a quiet voice began singing "Jesus loves you." To my surprise, the nurse joined in the singing as she administered the second and third shot.
It was just a nice moment. Grace, of course, still screamed hysterically.

1 comment:

  1. This is one we want to remember. Thanks for sharing. The pics are great.
