Friday, May 16, 2008

The invoice from John's purchase. Made out to John Humphrey, for the amount of $3.00. He carried his jar of money in and poured it slowly out on the counter. There were only two bills. When we started counting coins and he saw his savings getting smaller and smaller, John began to whisper to me asking if he could keep that one, and that one. I thought for a minute that what we had hoped would be a great learning experience was about to turn ugly. He had saved exactly $4.00 and would be leaving with no money. Thankfully the woman behind the counter saw what was happening and told John, "The sand you are interested in is on sale today for $1.00 off the original price." I could have kissed her! John gladly parted with most of his hard-earned money and proudly walked out of the office, commission jar in hand.

John models his newly filled sandbox. And to my delight, since he payed for the sand, he is much more careful about keeping it in the tire and out of the yard.


  1. Great photo of John (I think he looks like Uncle Aaron a little bit here) and awesome story! Thanks for sharing! So glad he's already learning to appreciate money in such a useful way!

  2. Wow, impressive, John...he is just growing up so fast:)

  3. We are proud of John and his parents too. What a great job you are doing!
