Monday, June 30, 2008

A fun weekend of Peter Pan, a parade, and fireworks.

John and mom had a night out on Thursday to see Peter Pan at the Knox County Memorial Theater in Mount Vernon. Thanks for the tickets and the book Nana Humphrey! After reading the book John decided he would like to dress up as the character "John Darling". With one of dad's shirts, a firefighter hat with construction paper added and pipecleaner eyeglasses he proudly walked into the theater.
Here is John as "John" with Tiger Lilly and Nana Nursemaid before the performance. Dave got us front row, left stage seats so we met most of the characters before they entered the stage.
All of the kids who dressed up were asked to go up on stage and wave to the audience before the play. John, at this point thought he was going to be in the play and was a bit disappointed when I told him differently. He forgot about it completely however when the cutain went up and the music began. I was so proud, John sat and watched intently for the entire 2 and a half hours (with an intermission). The only issue we had was with his theater seat. His legs do not weigh enough to hold down the folding seat If he sat all the way back the seat would fold him up. He insisted that he was too big to sit on my lap amd sat on the edge of his seat the entire night.
I love that he is old enough to these kinds of things now! He even introduced himself to the director, a friend of mine from teaching, and the actual "John Darling" character after the play. Everyone was so kind and welcoming-we had a great time!

The kids enjoying our new pool (a birthday present from Nana and Papa Streby).

We were in the USA Day parade here in Centerburg on Saturday. We adverised a soccer program called Goal Keepers that our church, Center Pointe, is sponsoring and running in the next few weeks. Our two kids are actually too young to participate, but they were still cute in the uniforms. The men moved the goal along as the kids kicked soccer balls.
The fireworks Saturday night were, at first, a bit much for Grace.
She eventually warmed up to them and had a great time clapping and ooohhing at all the colors.

Grace and her friend Drew Dumbaugh after all the festivities.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, looks like lots of fun!!!! I love John dressing up as...John:)

    We hope to see some fireworks in downtown Baltimore on friday:) We will see if the girls like 'em.

    Grace is growing up so quickly!!!! Miss you!
