Thursday, July 31, 2008

Friday, Saturday and Sunday in Baltimore, MD

The last few days of our vaction were spent in Maryland at Mark (Dave's brother) and Kim's. We had a great time playing with our nieces, Ella and Luci and seeing some sites around their new home. Dave with Grace and Luci at a nearby city park.

The beautiful Lucia Ruth Humphrey!

Mark and Ella.

We celebrated Luci's 1st burthday.
Out for dinner on Saturday night. Aaron and Danielle came from Pittsburg for two days so we were all able to be together.

John enjoyed his first train ride on the "light rail." A stop is within walking distance making travelling in the city easy and affordable (no parking necessary). Mark uses this train to get to and from school.
Now this is the way to travel!

Uncle Aaron (Dave's youngest brother) and Aunty Danielle. We'll need a third stroller next time.

Thanks Uncle Mark and Aunt Kim. We had a great time and can't wait to see you again!

1 comment:

  1. great pictures, we had fun too---thanks so much for coming to visit us!!!! See you in about 22 days...not to be exact or anything:)
