Friday, October 17, 2008

So many babies!

We have a new neice! Another beautiful Humphrey girl. Lydia Jane Danielle was born Sunday, October 12. Congratulations Uncle Aaron and Aunty Danielle. For many more pictures and stories visit thier blog listed in the sidebar. Uncle Aaron (Dave's youngest brother) is a daddy!
Aunty and Lydia.

Luna Penelope Streby and her proud Grandma Streby (Aimee's aunt Jo) last weekend. Luna is Aimee's cousin Juston and Julie Streby's new daughter.
Uncle Henry was in town last weekend! Here he is with Luna.
Then there's Robbie Streby. Parents Aimee's cousins Ben and Jonelle pictured as Robbie walks at just 9 months!

1 comment:

  1. Wyatt was very happy to see a picture of his Mrs. Streby:-) And he says he's wierd. I don't disagree!!!
