Wednesday, December 10, 2008

My goal today is to get the Thanksgiving pictures up before Christmas.
Grace is ready for fun in the snow. Where is all the snow this year? She's also wearing her Minnesota Gophers hat for her Uncle Henry.

They were being so sweet with each other.

Papa Streby holding Grace and her cousin Mia Streby (Josh and Elizabeth's). We had a nice Streby Thanksgiving at Jim and Jo's this year. Josh and Elizabeth were in town from Washington. Mia and Grace don't see each other often, but get along so well when they do.

Mia and her daddy, Aimee's cousin Josh.

Humphrey Thanksgiving was at Dan and Barb's. Dave's brothers family's were all here! John and his newest cousin Lydia Jane (Aaron and Danielle's).

Dave plays our niece Ella (Mark and Kim's oldest) like a guitar.

Grace "holding" Lydia with much supervision.

John loves his new cousin. We have a very similar picture of him holding Grace. It doesn't seem like it's been that long.

We celebrated Ella's 3rd birthday with an ice cream cake.

Auntie Danielle holding Grace and her new beautiful girl, Lydia. This was taken after her baby shower. Grace had clothes on when the party started.

1 comment:

  1. holy cow i can't believe i haven't seen these until now! nice entry! loved being able to see you guys so much over Christmas :)
