Thursday, May 7, 2009

The Pittsburgh Marathon

We did it! All six Humphrey kids ran the Pittsburgh half-marthon last weekend. What an exciting weekend! Here we are with our medals.
This was my first and Dave's second half-marathon. He met his goal and finished in 2:10! Nice work honey. I can't imagine running your pace.

Here are the girls (minus Grace who stayed home with friends).
Barb (Dave's mom), Danielle and Lydia (Aaron's wife and daughter), me, Kim, Ella, and Luci (Mark's wife and kids), and Carol (Danielle's mom).

And the guys (minus John who was home with Aimee's parents). Dave, Dan (his dad), Mark and Aaron.
Kim and I ran together. She's done many of these before and has even completed a full marathon. Fortunately for me she is 20 weeks pregnant and running my pace. Thanks Kim for asking me to run with you. I never would have signed up without you.