Saturday, May 17, 2008

Mother's Day Weekend

We had a nice visit with Aunt Marie (Grandma Jones' sister from Virginia) at Brittany Adzic's (Dave's cousin) graduation party on Saturday. Congratulations Brittany!

On Sunday all of the grandparents were here for lunch. The kids experienced nana and papa overload, and had so much fun!
Grace examining Grandma Jones.
Grace and Nana Humphrey.
Nana Streby and Grace enjoying a beautiful Mother's Day book that Mark and Kim put together for Barb of all of the grandkids.
Papa and John doing what they do best. "Papa's the greatest!" has to be yelled before the tickling will stop. Looks like John is suffering.


  1. Great pictures of everyone:) Happy Mother's Day to you too:)


  2. we could use some ideas for John and Dave's bdays....just let me know when you have the time
